Robert Hammerstiel
Robert Hammerstiel (rođen 18. veljače 1933. godine u Vršcu, Jugoslavija) austrijski je slikar i grafičar, međunarodno poznat i nagrađivan. Počasni je član Vojvođanske akademije nauka i umetnosti.
1973 Vienna, Vienna Künstlerhaus
1988 New York, Austrian Institute
1991 Kairo, Museum of Modern Art
1993 Vienna, Vienna Künstlerhaus
2002 Vršac, National museum
2006 Vienna, Leopold Museum
2007 Vienna, Vienna Künstlerhaus
2008 Brüssel, Representation of Baden-Württemberg
2009 Vienna, Leopold Museum
1973: Austrian State Prize for Graphics
1985: Awarded the professional title of Professor
1998: Austrian Decoration for Science and Art2005: Knight of the Order of St. Sylvester (Pope John Paul II)
2005: Golden Laurel of the Society of Artists in Austria, Vienna Künstlerhaus