Zoom festival- development of platform "Dirt: An Apparatus"
Stephanie Wenner developed a platform called Dirt: An Apparatus on the theoretical and artistic background of the works of Ilya Kabakov and Boris Groys, who had argued that the garbage was the integral part in the processes of exchange, not only economical and ecological, but artistic as well. Just like Kabakov used garbage to develop a participative relationship between the artists and other (non)human subjects, Dirt is primarily orientated to the creation of environment suitable for development of interaction. Garbage is really used here as an apparatus for building the space of the former industrial complex Hartera, that, regardless of its beauty and appeal, has a kind of a garbage status per se.
In the period of two weeks Hartera will be transformed to a place of residence, labor and artistic experience. Five different places in total will be built to mirror the needs and possibilities of the space, through the work of different groups of artists and its potential users who will deal with the questions of concept spatialization, collective work and the possibility of repeating the done work.
Regardless of somebody's interest, everyone is welcome to join the work on this platform that uses the apparatus which surrounds us and contains different elements recognizable to us all. To make sure that the things won't be entirely left to chance, a certain number of artists will join the platform and create art works based on sound, movement, performance and visualization. Their work will be founded on the mutual cooperation and cooperation with the local art community included in the program through a public call.
Dirt: An Apparatus platform is a sort of an art camp in Hartera that will for the period of two weeks become a place for the organization of space, life, work and art performance. This piece tries to contribute to the effort of raising Hartera from its garbage status to a new, priority status.