Alenka Pirman/Juan de Nieves
Hard Facts
Alenka Pirman was born in 1964. in Ljubljana. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts (1989). She was editor-in-chief of the magazines Likovne besede and M’zin (1991-92), artistic director of the Škuc Gallery (1990-96), assistant director of the Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts Ljubljana (1997-99), vice-president of the Management Board of the International Contemporary Art Network (ICAN, 1998-99) and co-founder and mentor of the Svet umetnosti (World of Art) educational programme for contemporary art curators (1996-98). She was editor and head of the artservis Internet service (2001-04), and a taxi driver (2007-08). In the 1990s, her work was predominantly related to three fictitious institutions: the SK8 Museum (1991-93), the RIGUSRS - Research Institute for Geo Art Statistics of the Republic of Slovenia (1997, with Vuk Ćosić and Irena Woelle), and the Domestic Research Institute (1994-98). She then collaborated with artistic collectives/platforms like Luther Blissett/ (1998) and The Bughouse (2002-03). She has carried out several methodological exhibition projects, e.g. with a German loanword collection (Arcticae horulae, 1995), with a deposited collection of the Museum of the Bodies for Internal Affairs (The Case. Art and Criminality, 2005, with Biserka Debeljak). She is a founding member of the Domestic Research Society (2004), where she develops collaborative exhibition and Internet projects (The Cabinet, 2005-; Unleashed Tongue, 2004-;, 2007-). Contact info: Šarhova 34, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Turn on JavaScript!,,
Selected solo exhibitions: 2009 – Ninth Coromandel, SCCA-Ljubljana Project Room, Ljubljana, 2006 – On Profession II. The Rog Lesson, The Cabinet, Ljubljana - Shut Your Eyes and Watch, Kibela Gallery, Maribor, 2005 - The Case. Art and Crime: Methodological exhibition (with B. Debeljak), Mala galerija, Ljubljana, 2002 - Clementine Deliss, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Alenka Pirman, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris, 1995 - Arcticae Horulae (Urbanaria), National and University Library, Ljubljana, 1993 - SK8 Museum, Likovni salon, Celje; Ivan Grohar Gallery, Škofja Loka, 1990 - Une Chaise Électrique, ŠKUC Gallery, Ljubljana
Selected group exhibitions: 2007 - Caminhos Excêntricos, Museu Collecção Berardo, Lisbon, Cultural Hero, 2nd Biennial of Quadrilateral, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Arts, Rijeka, Digitars, Galerija SKC, Belgrade (curated by Aleksandra Kostič); 2006 - Interrupted Histories, Moderna galerija Ljubljana; 2005 - Territories, Identities, Nets. Slovene Art 1995-2005, Moderna galerija Ljubljana; 2004 - Seven Sins, Ljubljana – Moscow, Moderna galerija Ljubljana - Extramoenia 5, Comune di Monfalcone, Monfalcone - Art in Expanded Spaces: Slovene Art 1985-1995, Moderna galerija Ljubljana; 2001 - Vulgata - Kunst aus Slowenien, NBK - Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin; 2000 - Vulgata - U3, 3rd Triennial of Contemporary Slovene Art, Moderna galerija Ljubljana; 1997 - U3, 2nd Triennial of Contemporary Slovene Art, Moderna galerija Ljubljana; 1990 - Paintings?, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana
Juan Antonio de Nieves Lamas was born in Coruña (Spain) in 1964. He graduated in Modern and Contemporary Art History. Faculty of Geography and History, University of Santiago de Compostela, 1987.
- Recipient of a grant from the Department of Historical and Documentary Heritage. Museums Section of the Galicia Government, 1989 -1991
- Recipient of a grant to elaborate a research project centred on the possible establishment of a Contemporary art documentation center in Galicia. Culture Ministry of the Galicia Government, 1990
- Curator of the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea (CGAC) 1994-1998
- Exhibition’s Coordinator of the Consorcio de Museos de la Comunitat Valenciana 1998-1999
- Head of the Exhibitions Department in the Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castelló (EACC) 1999 -2004
- Artistic Director of the Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castelló (EACC) 2005 -2008
- Honorary member of ADACE, Asociación de Directores de Centros de Arte Contemporáneo en España
- Member of IKT, International Association of curators of contemporary art
Institutions: 2005-2008 - ESPAI D’ART CONTEMPORANI DE CASTELLÓ, Castelló, Artistic Director: Curator of “Atención! Algunas vueltas más para llegar…”. A project by Angel Vergara, Curator of “Cantos Cívicos. A project by NILC/Miguel Ventura”, Curator of “Daniel Buren. Les cabanyes de ceramica i espill”, Curator of the exhibition “Contemporane@ 05. Interferencias en la ciudad y sus paisajes asociados”., Director of the project PROTESIS INSTITUCIONAL, by Santiago Cirugeda; ESPAI D’ART CONTEMPORANI DE CASTELLÓ, Castelló - Exhibition’s Coordinator, Director of the project CONTEMPORANE@ 03. CS_SOUND, Co-Director of the project CAMBIO DE VALORES (ARCO Foundation Collection), Director of the project CONTEMPORANE@ 02. Plataforma de proyectos, Coordination of the Exhibition Series “Siete propuestas y un epílogo para el final del milenio”, 1999-2001., Coordination and Production of exhibitions: Jeff Wall / Pepe Espaliú. Tiempo suspendido; Carles Santos; Hypertronix. Algunas figuras de la cultura juvenil; A sangre y fuego. Imágenes de la violencia en el arte contemporáneo, Zona F. Una exploración por los espacios habitados por los discursos feministas; Contra la arquitectura. La urgencia de (re)pensar la ciudad; El poder de narrar. Cartografiando historias, Movimiento aparente; El instante eterno. Arte y espiritualidad en el cambio del milenio; Lugares de la memoria; Otras naturalezas Urbanas: Arquitectura es (ahora) geografía, Un móvil en la patera. Diseñando el siglo XXI; Asianvibe. Arte Contemporáneo asiático; Heroes caídos. Masculinidad y representación; Arquitecturas para el acontecimiento; En el lado de la televisión; Micropolíticas. Arte y Cotidianeidad (1968-2001). 1998-1999 - CONSORCI DE MUSEOS DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA, Exhibition Coordinator: Christian Boltanski, L’Almudi, Valencia; Jesús Martínez Oliva, La Gallera, Valencia; Pedro Ortuño, La Gallera, Valencia; Elena Cabello/Ana Carceller, La Gallera, Valencia; Activities Coordinator: Conference Series: Intertextos y Contaminaciones, Contemporaneidad y clasicismo en el arte; CENTRO GALEGO DE ARTE CONTEMPORANEA, Santiago de Compostela: Direction and coordination of exhibitons in the Project’s space Doble Espacio: Anish Kapoor At the edge of the world; Jorge Barbi Casa de Juegos; Nacho Criado En tiempo furtivo (…piezas desde la mesita de noche); Anxel Huete Man de Cal; Antón Lamazares; Gracias do Lugar; Juan Muñoz; Isaac Pérez Vicente La luz en la Sombra. Coordination and production of exhibitions: Dan Graham; Alberto Datas; Arnulf Rainer; Vito Acconci; Christian Boltanski; Imágenes y Visiones. Arte mexicano entre la vanguardia y la actualidad; Giovanni Anselmo. Other exhibitions and Activities 2012 - GALERÍA A+A, Venice; Curator exhibition “Single”. A project by Jasa Mrevlje; ECOLE BEAUX ARTS DE PERPIGNAN, France; Workshop Professor: Desacord amoreux; 2011/2012 - MUSEO DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO DE VIGO, Spain; Director and professor of “Cultural and artistisc practices betw 1968 and nowadays”; 2011 - FUNDACIÓN BOTÍN, Santander; Member of the jury Premio Internacional de artes plásticas
- CENTRO DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO DE CELJE, SLOVENIA - Curator of “Narratives in progress”
- Guest Professor in the Master de arte, museología y crítica contempo University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- CENTRO CULTURAL DE ESPAÑA, Montevideo, Uruguay - Curator of “Dentro del Tiempo”, a project of Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, Lecturer: Spanish Conceptual Art; Workshop Professor: Curator as mediator
- CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN FOUNDATION, Lisbon, Portugal - Curator of “41º 52’ 59” latitude N/8º 51´12” lonxitude O”, a retrospective exhibition of Jorge Barbi
- Guest Professor in the Master de arte, museología y crítica contempo, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- VIGO CITY COUNCIL, Spain, Lecturer in the Conference’s Series “Vigo: un espacio para a cultura e a arte contemporánea. Criterios de actuación”
- CAIXA GALICIA, A Coruña/Lugo/Vigo, Spain, Curator exhibition of 3 BOLSEIROS EN ARTES PLÁSTICAS DA FUNDACIÓN CAIXA GALICIA. Works of Almudena Fernández Fariña, Pablo Orza and Elena Prado
- CASA DE LA PARRA, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Curator exhibition INCIDENTES. Works of Miroslaw Balka, Michael Biberstein, Sophie Calle, Hannah Collins, Juan Muñoz, Xesús Vázquez
- PALACIO DE FONSECA, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Curator exhibition SIDA. PRONUNCIAMIENTO Y ACCIÓN. Works of Javier Codesal, The Carrying Society, Pepe Espaliú, Jesús Martínez Oliva, Pepe Miralles and Alejandra Orejas.
- CONSELLO DA CULTURA GALEGA, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Coordinator Conference’s Series “O lugar da pintura nos 90”
- AUDITORIO DE GALICIA, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Curator exhibition O PROCESO ABSTRACTO. ARTISTAS GALEGOS, 1950-1979
CONSELLO DA CULTURA GALEGA, Santiago de Compostela - Coordinator of the Jornadas de Trabajo “Galicia: Un Centro de Arte contemporánea a debate” organised by the Consellería de Cultura e Xuventude de la Xunta de Galicia y el Consello da Cultura Galega. Ponentes: Alvaro Siza, J.M. Montaner, Manolo Gallego, Pedro de Llano, Santiago Seara, Martín Chirino, Tomás Lloréns, Rosa Olivares, X.A. Castro, Gloria Moure, Vicente Todolí, Carlos Batzán, Simón Marchán, Mª Luisa Sobrino, Félix de la Fuente, Antón Patiño, Xosé Freixanes, Xabier Seoane.
MUSEO DEL PRADO, Madrid, Spain - Direction and Design of the exhibition LOS SONIDOS DEL PÓRTICO, celebrated with the motive of the construction of the musical instruments of the Pórtico de la Gloria de la Catedral de Santiago, under the patronage of the Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza. Subsequently itinerant in the Auditorio de Galicia (Santiago de Compostela) and Museo do Pobo Galego (Santiago de Compostela).
FUNDACIÓN CAMILO JOSÉ CELA, Iria Flavia, Spain - Head of cataloguing contemporary painting in the Pinacoteca de la Fundación Camilo José Cela de Iria Flavia (A Coruña)
UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA - Co-director and coordinator of the Apreciación de Arte Contemporáneo course “Ambitos para la Creación Contemporánea: Principio y Futuro de una nueva dialéctica”, organised by the Asociación Amigos de Arco y patrocinado por Unión Fenosa and the University de Santiago de Compostela. Speakers: Carmen Alborch, Angel González, Cecile Bourne, Javier Maderuelo, Juan Bordes, Aurora García, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Rosa Queralt, Soledad Sevilla, José Jimenez, Juan Muñoz, Mar Villaespesa.
CASA DE LA PARRA, Santiago de Compostela, Spain - Curator of exhibiton PRESENCIAS Y PROCESOS. SOBRE LAS ÚLTIMAS TENDENCIAS DEL ARTE. Works by Juan Muñoz, Cristina Iglesias, Anna Mauri, Pedro G. Romero, Jorge Barbi, Joan Brossa, Din Matamoro.
Coordinator of the seminar of the same name. Speakers: José Luis Brea, Pedro G. Romero, María Corral, Anna Mauri, Marga Paz, Din Matamoro, Rosina Gómez Baeza, Joan Brossa, Jorge Barbi, Daniel Giralt-Miracle.
DIPUTACIÓN PROVINCIAL DE A CORUÑA, Spain - Part of a team that, under bajo the direction of Dr Maria Luisa Sobrino Manzanares, put together a Catalogue and Inventory of goods of artistic interest belonging to the Diputación Provincial de La Coruña, during the months of september 1988 to April 1989, y constituted by works of art deposited in museums and institutions Duch as the Museo do Pobo Galego, Museo de Bellas Artes de A Coruña, Ayuntamiento de A Coruña, Palacio Provincial de la Diputación de A Coruña, Pazo de Mariñán, etc; created about 280 entries in which que exhaustive data was collected on each work.
PUBLICATIONS (selection): Catalogues: “Dentro del Tiempo”. Exhibition Catalogue Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, Centro Cultural de España, Montevideo; “41º 52’ 59” latitude N/8º 51´12” lonxitude O”, Exhibition Catalogue Jorge Barbi, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vigo, 2010; “Jota Izquierdo”. Exhibition Catalogue H-E-L-L-O. Consorcio de Museos de la Comunidad Valenciana, Valencia, 2009; “Cantos Cívicos”. Exhibition Catalogue Miguel Ventura. MUAC, México, 2009; “Jorge Barbi”, en Tempo ao tempo. Exhibition Catalogue. MARCO, Vigo, 2007; “La casa a escena”, en Manuel Margalef, Exhibition Catalogue. Tinglado 2, Tarragona, 2006.; “Elena Prado, Almudena Fernández Fariña y Pablo Orza”. Exhibition Catalogue 3 Bolseiros en artes plásticas da Fundación Caixa Galicia. Fundación Caixa Galicia, A Coruña, 1998.; “Entrevista con Isaac Pérez Vicente”. Exhibition Catalogue Isaac Pérez Vicente. La luz en la Sombra. Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, 1997.; “Incidentes, universos por construir”. Exhibition catalogue Incidentes. Casa de la Parra, Santiago de Compostela, 1995.; “A Sida como lugar de reflexión”. Exhibition catalogue Sida. Pronunciamento e Acción. Palacio de Fonseca, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1994.; “O Proceso Abstracto”. Exhibition catalogue O Proceso Abstracto. Artistas galegos, 1950-1979. Auditorio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, 1993.; “Dramaturxia”. Exhibition catalogue 10 críticos/10 artistas. Estación Marítima de Vigo, Universidade de Vigo e Fundación Caixa Galicia, 1993; “Xurxo Oro Claro”. Exhibition Catalogue. Galería de arte Obelisco, A Coruña, 1993; “Norberto Olmedo”. Exhibition Catalogue. Casa da Parra, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela; “Manolo Ruibal”. Exhibition Catalogue. Diputación Provincial de Jaén, 1990; “Artefactos extramundi”. Exhibition Catalogue. Moncho Amigo. Casa da Parra, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, 1989
Contact info: C/San Marcos, 33 – 2º, 28004 Madrid, Turn on JavaScript!0034 630 770264 (Spain)